Before going through documentation chapters, thanks for purchasing Media Grid and trusting LCweb!
On first plugin's activation, it must be activated in order to work.
Head to the LCweb Dashboard page: it contains the summary of all LCweb products with useful links and their validation forms.
Your license is automatically registered into the LCweb database, you only need to
In this case you need to manually register on the LCweb Licenses Hub
In case you have an intranet or localhost website (or your server is blocking external communications against the LCweb endpoint) you can use the offline activation.
Click on the related link (in the LCweb Dashboard) and fill in the form with the requested data: the offline token can be found following the steps listed above.
The most important thing is to be sure plugin is ready to create thubmnails.
In first settings tab, last section is about Easy WP Thumbs status. Facing issues, please check the related FAQ
This option only affects thumbnails. There you have to define which will be the maximum width your grid will have.
Default value is 1200px but if using grids in a fullwidth context, you should increase the value (eg. 1900px) to avoid fuzzy images.
Media Grid offers also an XML sitemap, to be used in specific SEO environments (eg. Google Wemaster Tools) to let search engine know about items existence.
Is a special sitemap, containing also items featured image.
Bypass dynamic CSS file creation. Useful for websites hosted on restricted servers or multisite installations
Here you can switch among Easy WP Thumbs (the best and default option), Timthumb or also use WordPress thumbnails. Change it only if you've got issues with thumbs creation
Checking this, you'll enable Easy WP thumbs forcing mode, useful to override certain server restrictions.
Do that ONLY IF you note missing thumbnails or a grid is not showing
To solve some incompatibility issues you can turn it on and put the javascript in your website header.
Do that ONLY IF you notice problems.
If you are using Advanced Filters add-on or Media Grid bundle categories management is under "Filter Sections" submenu.You must save "Filter Sections" at least once to assign categories to items.
Deleting or renaming attributes, also related field in item's editor page will be cleared.
Only uppercase/lowercase changes avoid this.
In following sub-chapters you will learn how to create items that has to be used in grids.
However there are some common notes applying to any item:
Custom attributes are always optional.
Leaving an option field empty, it simply won't be displayed.
These settings are relative to the each lightbox image. Through them you can control images height to avoid extra-sizing in vertical contexts.
Setting maximum height in pixels, images exceeding this value will be cropped. Leave this field empty to use full image.
In order to avoid issues using portrait and landscape images you can set a maximum width for items ligthbox.
Content will be resized accordingly to the value you set. (minimum is 320px)
Clicking on wizard you can select with ease the center of the thumbnails that will be shown in the grid.
By default the center of the image will be used.
Slider's height in PERCENTAGE value is always referred to slider's width to always maintain the same aspect-ratio also on small screens.
For example if you set 50% height and slider is 1000px wide, the resulting height will be 500px
Each image may have a caption: they are taken from the Description image's field.
You can reach that field from the media archive of your wordpress installation or from the "Manage Images" button of media-grid.
You can attach Youtube and Vimeo videos to lightbox slider images.
Just copy the video URL into the wizard, clicking on the "play button" of selected images
You can also display the videos uploaded on your website. Supported formats: mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv
Player supports multiple formats at the same time to guarantee cross-browser compatibility.
Use comma split video URLs.
NB: filling this field, the selected self-hosted tracklist will be ignored
The title shown in the grid item is the one specified in the wordpress media library
This item type can fetch contents from any post type having an editor in WordPress (e.g. posts but also woocommerce products). The essential requirement is to have at least a taxonomy associated to the post type.
Using WooCommerce products as source, shown items will be directly referred to the Woo product.
This means that lightbox layout and attributes must be set in that product, through Media Grid options box.
Grids can be also filled with existing posts. Requirements are:
Posts will be fetchable in grid builder selecting the related post type.
Posts will be managed as SINGLE IMAGE items, with attached lightbox.
However you can turn them into a direct link item through the related option, in "edit post" page.
In fact every post has got an own panel with specific options, similar to the one used in Media Grid items
As first, click on "Add new grid" and create your first grid inserting its name.
Once added, you'll be able to delete, clone and rename it directly in the grids dropdown.
Then, you have to choose whether to create a manual or dynamic grid. Here are few common notes:
Using this option, item's height will be calculated basing on its featured image. Use it to avoid image crops.
It is supported only by items showing a static image (eg. inline slider and video aren't included). In manual grids you won't be able to choose it, while in dynamic ones you'll have to setup a fallback for possible items not supporting "auto" height.
One for desktop and one for mobile modes.
In the builder "auto" height items are rendered as a 1/4 for technical reasons
On top of "Grid Structure" section you find a button to insert spacers into the grid.
They are essentially empty spaces, used to add gaps between grid items. Once adde, you can also choose to show them only in desktop or mobile mode: this option automatically reflects in the builder.
To manage an hidden spacer, just switch grid's mode.
Mainly addressed to grids having many items of similar shapes, it allows fast sorting without masonry involvement
Sometimes things can become complex using drag&drop items positioning.
Using these buttons you'll move them one position backwards or forwards.
You can preview the grid you are building without placing it on a page. Before you have to set preview container's page in plugin settings.
Remember to save the grid before previewing it.
Adding this block, you enable the grid pagination. Basically is a 100% wide block you can freely move in the builder to split items as you prefer.
Media Grid is also natively integrated with WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg), Elementor, Visual Composer and Divi Builder.
Using them you can skip the standard shortcode wizard and use the related Media Grid tool.
For any other builder or using the old WordPress editor:
Here's a demo shortcode with all possible parameters:
Gives you the ablility to set individual values for grid aspects (margins, borders, etc), overriding default ones.
Media Grid has got a search bar to easily find items in grids.
It is enabled in the shortode wizard and aligned accordingly with filters.
By default the search will be performed on item titles.
However you can improve the search results using the helper, in "Edit Item" page.
Here you can write words that will be added to searchable elements.
Remember that minimum length for searchable words is 2 characters.
Media Grid borns as a portfolio plugin, however from v7 it got the ability to populate grids with WP Library images and the media-centric lightbox mode. Therefore it can operate as a sort of photogallery.
So, it worths explaining the main lightbox differences and how to manage them.
It's the default mode, the one always used from Media Grid since 2012.
Suggested if you have to show long and complex contents.
Lightbox sizes are defined in settings and do not change in relation to lightbox media contents.
No height limit, in case of tall medias or long texts, the user has to scroll down in the page.
Introduced in v7, emulates classic lightboxes behavior by changing its sizes depending on the media shown.
Text is placed on right/left side and lightbox height is limited to the screen's height.
On mobile, obviously, texts will be placed under the media and users will have to scroll down to see it.
This mode can be enabled globally through the related settings option or individually for each grid, through the sortcode wizard (or builders module)
They can be enabled in settings > Lightbox > Comments.
Supported systems are Disqus and Facebook Comments
Its integration is really simple: just insert the shortname. Style, moderation and details are managed directly on Disqus
This requires multiple steps and more skills:
The plugin is 100% multilanguage for both front and back ends. If a translation of your language has been created, WordPress will automatically switch between languages.
Plus it is WPML certified and compatible with Polylang and qTranslate!
If you have WPML + String Translation add-on or Polylang, you can simply scan the plugin and translate strings via its UI.
Otherwise: go in the plugin folder, then open the one named "languages".
Inside you'll find the default.pot file. It contains english strings to be translated.
If you want to create or customize one your language translation, follow these steps:
To translate item custom attributes you necessarily need to use the WPML string translation plugin or Polylang.
If you create new translations, please contact me at [email protected] sending your .PO and .MO files.
Otherwise they will be lost in next updates. Thanks!