
Documentation for v3.2 and later


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License Activation

On first plugin's activation, it must be activated in order to work.
Head to the LCweb Dashboard page: it contains the summary of all LCweb products with useful links and their validation forms.

LC WP Dashboard

LCweb Shop License:

Your license is automatically registered into the LCweb database, you only need to

  1. go to your licenses dashboard and select the section your product belongs to (if you own only one product, you will be automatically moved)
  2. Scroll down until you find the license you want to use for the website and click on the pencil button
  3. Insert the website domain and save. The system will give you the activation token
  4. Copy and paste it into the LCweb dashboard, on your website

Envato Marketplace License:

In this case you need to manually register on the LCweb Licenses Hub

  1. Go to the LCweb Licenses Hub and, if you never registered, do it. You will have to validate your e-mail and use a login token in order to enter.
  2. Once you are in, select the section your product belongs to (if you own only one product, you will be automatically moved)
  3. Scroll down until you find the product and click on the PLUS button. A form will prompt you to enter the Envato purchase code (how to get it?) and the website domain
  4. Once saved, the system will give you the activation token
  5. Copy and paste it into the LCweb dashboard, on your website

In case you have an intranet or localhost website (or your server is blocking external communications against the LCweb endpoint) you can use the offline activation.

Click on the related link (in the LCweb Dashboard) and fill in the form with the requested data: the offline token can be found following the steps listed above.

Manage Google Fonts

Manage Font-Face Fonts

Font-Face package upload on restricted servers

In case you have a restricted server you can upload font files through FTP: go in FONTS folder and create a subfolder with your new font name (remember to replace spaces with underscores).
Finally put within fontface files, ones with these extensions: .eot .svg .ttf .woff .woff2

Manage Adobe Typekits

Each typekit is restricted to work only on one domain, be sure your site is ok with configuration.

Through Adobe interface you can already specify CSS selectors where new fonts will be applied, this is of course automatically integrated once a typekit is added and enabled in FontPress.

Element Rules

The Cleanest and most efficient way to use FontPress is using rules: this is essentially a simple CSS framework.

Procedure is really simple:

  1. add a new rule
  2. Set the selector. Could be body to affect any website element or only headings or a custom one. Just use valid CSS selectors
    Remember you can use also meta-selectors such as :hover or :focus

  3. Choose how to customize fonts

Obviously you can customize only specific aspects and inheriting others by using zero values, "none" for colors or "inherit" where available.
This, for example, won't apply any customization to selected element.

not affected

For advanced tips, check the related chapter.

Typography Shortcode

Alternative usage:

You may also bypass options selection and customize shortcode's content in a "centralized" way.
Setting a class, you'll be able to use a FontPress rule for it and this rule will be usable also for further shortcodes having the same class!

Advanced Tips & Notes

Responsive text

FontPress supports responsive text sizings.
In particular responsive units are: vh and vw. Read more about units HERE


Elementor could help a lot people without CSS experience or not knowing elements selector to use plugin rules.
In fact in most elements you can specify a custom ID or custom classes and obviously you'll be able to use them in rules.


Visual Composer

Visual Composer could help a lot people without CSS experience or not knowing elements selector to use plugin rules.
In fact in most elements you can specify a custom ID or custom classes and obviously you'll be able to use them in rules.

visual composer

Concatenate rules

As seen in "element rules" chapter, with "custom element" you can use a CSS selector to apply custom rules to any website element. However this allow you to take advantage of CSS inheritance properties.

For example, this screenshot shows how to set a different font only for bold elements inside paragraphs, keeping color and font-size from higher rule.

css inheritance

Rules order is essential to play with inheritance.
In fact, code will be printed with the same order: last rules will have higher priority than first.

Use rules on single categories/posts/pages

Wordpress automaticall adds an unique CSS class for each category, post or page.
It is linked with the category/post/page ID. Assuming an ID of "999", class will be:

category category-999
post postid-999
page page-id-999


In order to avoid excessive website loading times increase, a good suggestion is to not enable too many fonts at the same time.

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