Before going through documentation chapters, thanks for purchasing FAQ Revolution and trusting LCweb!
This documentation has been made to guide you step-by-step in the exact order you should setup the plugin.
On first plugin's activation, it must be activated in order to work.
Head to the LCweb Dashboard page: it contains the summary of all LCweb products with useful links and their validation forms.
Your license is automatically registered into the LCweb database, you only need to
In this case you need to manually register on the LCweb Licenses Hub
In case you have an intranet or localhost website (or your server is blocking external communications against the LCweb endpoint) you can use the offline activation.
Click on the related link (in the LCweb Dashboard) and fill in the form with the requested data: the offline token can be found following the steps listed above.
The very first thing to do when plugin is installed for the first time is to check settings.
Each field has got its related legend, then you shouldn't need any specific guide.
However there are few notes that have to be done to avoid troubles:
This option defines which page you are gonna use to place the main FAQ search system (check shortcode section to know more).
Deeplinks will be set and read only on this page.
These fields can also contain complex data (iframes, HTML & Javascript) as well as execute shortcodes
Votes are stored in browser cookies to avoid multiple votes on the same FAQ. However changing browser visitors can inevitably bypass this limit.
Obviously you must not have another URL correspondance connected with chosen values.
By default your site permalink are flushed each time plugin settings are saved.
If you are facing troubles just go in WP settings > Permalinks and just save again.
This option will change the deeplink structure.
Then be careful to not use a deeplinked URL as direct link and then change this option
This system is detached from FAQ's one, but articles can be attached to each FAQ's answer to give a better user experience and ideally teach visitors about a specific subject.
Articles could also be a great way to increase website's SEO score since they should have highly targeted contents.
Article tags can be shown at the end of article contents, giving access to archives.
Before creating FAQs you have to define their subjects:
Clicking on "Manage FAQs" you can create your first FAQ.
The very first thing to do is decide whether FAQ has to be basic or choice-based.
It's the standard FAQ format: question and answer.
Contens can also contain complex elements such as HTML and shortcodes.
Is possible to have a photogallery as well as a "related articles" section containing knowledge-base and external links.
Here you can define a true choices tree helping users step-by-step.
Ideally you have to shape the tree basing on the question-to-multi-option principle.
Everything starts with an initial question: while prior FAQ text is optional, you must have at least two answers.
Each answer has also got a consequence when selected:
Uses choice's text to end FAQ's flow
Uses the "default solution" text to end the FAQ flow (it is defined in settings).
It's ideally meant to show a positive answer to the user (eg. you problem should be solved)
Uses the "default user action" text to end the FAQ flow (it is defined in settings).
It's ideally meant to query user to make a custom action in order to solvea problem (eg. your case needs to be inspected, open a ticket)
You've got to pose a new question to the user, in order to better understand the situation
Each answer may have associated knowledge-base articles, external links and images.
You can use HTML as well as shortcodes within choices description.
Normally FAQs are sorted by title (A to Z), however you can set a custom order by using numbers.
Is suggested to use pretty big increases (10/20/30) to avoid troubles if you want to place a new FAQ between two existing ones.
This is probably the most important parameter after the title: is used in the search algorithm and helps users finding the right FAQ.
Use frequently-used and semantic words. Use anything you prefer to split words: any extra character will be removed on frontend.
FAQ Revolution is also natively integrated with WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg), Elementor and Visual Composer.
Using them you can skip the standard shortcode wizard and use the related plugin's tool.
For any other builder or using the old WordPress editor:
In any WordPress editor you can see the plugin's icon triggering the shortcode wizard.
Here's fields explaination:
Forces a default subject for the search system. User will still be able to choose eventual child subjects
Forces a default child subject for the search system
Enabling this option no FAQ will be listed until user will fill the search bar
Shortcode demo with all possible parameters:
[faq-revo-searchbar subj="5" sub_subj="1" req_src="1"]
The plugin comes with a couple of handy PHP functions that can be used globally on your website.
Be sure to run them after custom post types have been registered!
@param (int|array) $subj_id | single subject term ID or an array of term IDs |
@param (array) $custom_args | custom WP_query parameters to customize the query (optional) |
@return (array) | an array containing matched FAQs array(faq_id => faq_data) |
Example fetching FAQs related to subject ID #5:
$faqs = fr_get_faqs(5, array());
if(!empty($faqs)) {
foreach($faqs as $faq_id => $faq_data) {
// $faq_data is a WP post object
else {
// no FAQs found
@param (int|array) $subj_id | single subject term ID or an array of term IDs |
@param (string) $search_txt | string used to match FAQs |
@param (array) $custom_args | custom WP_query parameters to customize the query (optional) |
@return (array) | (array) an array containing matched FAQs array(faq_id => faq_data) |
Example fetching FAQs related to subject ID #5 and matching the "test" word:
$faqs = fr_search_faqs(5, 'test', $custom_args = array())
if(!empty($faqs)) {
foreach($faqs as $faq_id => $faq_data) {
// $faq_data is a WP post object
else {
// no FAQs found
The plugin is 100% multilanguage for both front and back ends. If a translation of your language has been created, WordPress will automatically switch between languages.
Plus it is compatible with WPML and Polylang!
If you have WPML + String Translation add-on or Polylang, you can simply scan the plugin and translate strings via its UI.
Otherwise: go in the plugin folder, then open the one named "languages".
Inside you'll find the default.pot file. It contains english strings to be translated.
If you want to create or customize one your language translation, follow these steps:
To translate dynamic strings set in settings you must pass through the WPML string translation add-on or Polylang.
If you create new translations, please contact me at [email protected] sending your .PO and .MO files.
Otherwise they will be lost in next updates. Thanks!